Can Ducks Eat Cereal (Including Cheerios)?


Whether you’re low on duck food or simply want to give your ducks a new food to get excited about, you might be wondering—can ducks eat cereal?

Yes, ducks can eat cereal, but it should be in moderation. Furthermore, the nutritional value of cereal varies between different brands.

Therefore, you should use common sense when feeding your ducks cereal—for example, dumping a box of Chips Ahoy! cereal into your duck pen looks a lot different than doing so with a box of Cheerios.

Health Benefits of Cereal for Ducks

It would take far too long to go through the nutritional value of every cereal on the market. So, we’ll share the nutrition information in Cheerios to give you a base when comparing the ingredients, vitamins, and minerals on whatever box of cereal you’re considering giving to your ducks.

  • Carbohydrates: Cheerios contain 29 grams of carbohydrates. That includes one gram of soluble fiber and four grams of dietary fiber.
  • Iron: Cereal can be a good source of iron for ducks, with a serving often containing over 12 milligrams of it.
  • Vitamins: Vitamin C and Vitamin A are common components of cereal and are healthy for your ducks.
  • Minerals: Niacin, thiamine, zinc, and magnesium are some of the many duck-friendly minerals that cereal typically contains.

Nutritional Downsides of Cereal for Ducks

When it comes to feeding your ducks cereal, using it as a treat is key. You should only feed your ducks bland cereals without much sugar. Aside from Cheerios, examples include Rice Chex, Corn Flakes, and Rice Krispies.

However, because these cereals are so bland, they’re devoid of many essential nutritional components for ducks.

Below are some of the issues with feeding your ducks cereal:

  • Low protein content
  • A vitamin D3 content that could be too high, causing hypervitaminosis DLow calcium content (which hinders egg production in ducks)

Risks of Cereal for Ducks

Since cereal is a processed food, you shouldn’t make a habit of feeding it to your ducks. Even relatively bland cereals can have a higher sugar, additive, and preservative content than a duck should consume.

Aside from the nutrition itself, how you feed the cereal to your ducks is equally essential. We’ll talk about the best way to go about this next, but for now, know that if you don’t correctly prepare cereal before giving it to your ducks, you run the risk of them choking.

Is Cereal Safe for Ducklings?

Yes, just like adults, cereal is safe for ducklings.

Since ducklings are tiny, you should give them an even smaller amount of cereal than you do your adult ducks.

Furthermore, be mindful of soaking your ducklings’ cereal in water before giving it to them. Their throats are much smaller than adult ducks, so there’s a higher chance they could choke on dry cereal.

How to Prepare Cereal for Ducks

If the cereal you want to feed your ducks already comes in a small size, you could give it to them dry without it creating a choking hazard. However, regardless of the size of the cereal pieces, we recommend soaking them in water first.

Your ducks will have an easier time eating cereal that’s soggy. Don’t worry if you let the cereal soak too long; they’ll happily gobble up mushy cereal, too!

So, just like humans, preparing a bowl of cereal for your ducks doesn’t take much time. Simply wait until the cereal gets soft in water and send it your ducks’ way.

Cereal Serving Size for Ducks

Cereal is human food, so there isn’t any set serving size you should give them. However, when in doubt and assuming you have other food to supplement the cereal with, smaller amounts are better.

It’s best to view cereal as a treat for your ducks. Therefore, a handful or so of cereal for every few ducks you have should be enough for them to enjoy a unique snack without you having to worry about them suffering from adverse health consequences.

How Often Should You Feed Your Ducks Cereal?

Cereal is acceptable as a treat for ducks occasionally. However, you shouldn’t make it a habit of giving it to them daily.

You can use your best judgment here, but once or twice a month is probably a good amount. 

Remember, there are many other safe, natural foods you can give your ducks instead of cereal. Below are some examples:

  • Watermelon
  • Eggplant
  • Strawberries
  • Pumpkin
  • Tomatoes
  • Lettuce

You might be wondering—what about grapes? Can ducks eat raisin bran cereal if I want to give them a more nutritious treat?

Grapes are safe for ducks to eat, and therefore, raisins are too. So, you can feed raisin bran cereal to your ducks once in a while. 

However, make sure to limit how much you give them and soak the cereal in water first to make it easier for your ducks to eat.

FAQs About Ducks Eating Cereal

Are you still on the fence about feeding your ducks cereal or have other questions about this popular human breakfast food? We answer some duck owners’ most common questions here.

Can ducks eat breakfast cereal?

Of course! Ducks will love you for giving them breakfast cereal, but it’s your job to feed it to them in moderation. When deciding on the type of cereal to give your ducks, choose types with low sugar content.

Can ducks and ducklings eat Cheerios?

Yes, ducks can eat Cheerios. However, because Cheerios have low nutritional content, you should only feed them to your ducks occasionally.

Baby ducks can eat Cheerios too. You should always supplement a duckling’s diet with more nutritional food, though.

Can ducks eat All-Bran cereal?

Yes, ducks can eat All-Bran cereal, which has more nutritional value than blander cereals like Cheerios. Even so, All-Bran cereal isn’t very good for ducks, so you should limit how much you give them.

Can ducks eat wheat cereal?

Ducks can eat wheat cereal. However, as with any other kind of cereal, you should limit the quantity you feed them and soak the cereal in water first.

Can ducks eat cereal bars?

Your ducks will try to eat a cereal bar if you give it to them, but they’ll have a hard time breaking it into swallowable pieces. Therefore, if you absolutely must give your duck a cereal bar, you should break it up into small pieces and let it soak in water first.

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