Duck Senses: Are They Colorblind, Can They Smell, And Other Questions Answered

white duck

Whether you’re getting a duck for the first time or you have years of experience with waterfowl, you might be curious about how a duck’s sensory processing works. 

As you read on, you can find the answers to questions such as: 

  • What colors do ducks see? 
  • Are ducks colorblind? 
  • Can ducks see underwater? 
  • Do ducks have good eyesight? 
  • What is a duck’s strongest sense? 
  • Can ducks smell corn and other foods they enjoy? 
  • Can ducks see your face? 
  • Can ducks see straight forward? 
  • How far can ducks smell? 

By gaining a better understanding of how these perceptive birds process their surroundings, you can become a better owner to your pet duck. You may even be surprised just how much ducks have in common with humans. 

How Do Ducks See? 

Many duck owners might assume that their ducks have poor vision, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. In reality, a duck’s vision is actually somewhat better than a human’s. 

Your domestic duck will probably spend most of its life on the ground. However, because they can fly, ducks are naturally equipped with keen eyesight. 

So if you were wondering what a duck’s strongest sense is, you can say with certainty that it’s their vision. 

Are Ducks Colorblind? 

No, they aren’t. Ducks can see vibrant shades of red, blue, and yellow just like humans can. They can even see UV radiation. 

What Is the Range of a Duck’s Vision? 

Ducks can see three times as far as humans can. Their eyes are on the sides of their head, allowing a 340-degree field of vision. This allows them to see straight forward and beside themselves at all times. 

Can Ducks See Faces? 

Because of their keen vision and wide range of color perception, it’s safe to say that your duck can see your face and register that it belongs to a human. 

However, there has not been much study on whether they can recognize the faces of individual humans. It is entirely possible, as many species of birds have this ability, but whether this applies to ducks is still uncertain. 

Why Do Ducks Have Three Eyelids? 

Ducks have a third eyelid, also known as a nictitating membrane. These are transparent and move horizontally. They allow ducks to see better when they swim underwater. 

Can Ducks See In The Dark? 

Ducks can see fairly well in the dark. They have a set of cones in their eyes that can detect UV radiation, allowing them to roam in the early hours of the day and late hours of the night. 

How Do Ducks Hear Without Ears? 

Though you can’t see them, ducks actually do have ears. They rely on their hearing for a few different purposes. 

Ducks communicate through a variety of sounds, including mating calls and calls to alert others of danger. 

Female ducks rely on their hearing to locate their ducklings. In return, ducklings will learn to recognize the sound of their mother’s calls. 

Where Are Duck Ears? 

A duck’s ears are on the inside of its head. They are just behind and underneath their eyes. 

As you probably already know, they don’t have external ears, but there are two small holes on the sides of their skull. A soft layer of feathers cover up these openings.  

Do Ducks Have Good Hearing? 

While the formation of their ears puts them at a slight disadvantage, overall, a duck’s hearing is fairly good. 

It may not be their strongest sense, but they still rely on their hearing for communication and even searching for food. They can also hear your voice when you speak to them and distinguish different sounds from one another. 

How Do Ducks Smell? 

How can ducks smell without a nose? The answer to that is quite simple; they do actually have a nose. Those two little holes on the top of their beak are nostrils! 

While they don’t rely on their sense of smell in the way dogs or cats do, a duck nose can still pick up scents. Their sense of smell does not reach very far, so they will usually only be able to smell things that are nearby. 

How Can Ducks Use Their Sense Of Smell? 

Ducks can use their sense of smell to locate food. It helps them determine between edible plants and non-edible plants. If you’re bringing your pet duck some corn as a treat, they will probably be able to smell it before you even show it to them. 

However, a duck’s sense of smell is probably one of the weakest of the five senses. Like humans, ducks mainly rely on their vision to navigate the world. 

Can Ducks Smell Human Scent? 

Yes, a duck can use their sense of smell to differentiate species, and this includes the scent of humans. If your pet duck is familiar with you, they may even come to recognize your individual scent over time. 

Can Ducks Smell Fear? 

The idea that any animal can smell fear is actually a myth. So no, even if your pet duck has a keen sense of smell, it cannot tell when you are scared based on any kind of olfactory input. 

Can Ducks Taste Food? 

Yes, ducks are able to taste the difference between foods. They have around 400 taste buds, however, so their sense of taste isn’t quite as precise as ours. For comparison, humans have 9,000 taste buds. 

What Is a Duck’s Sense of Touch Like? 

Ducks have very sensitive nerve endings on the tip of their beaks. These help them search for food in murky waters where it’s difficult to see. 

They also have far fewer nerve endings in their feet, allowing them to swim through cold waters without discomfort. 


When you take a duckling into your home, understanding their sensory perception is the key to enabling a safe and comfortable environment. They may not look like it, but they are highly perceptive creatures. 

As you learn more about your duck’s senses, you may come to realize that you have more in common than you initially thought. 

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