Feeding Your Ducks Carrots: Benefits, Preparation, and Amount


Can ducks eat carrots? The fast and easy answer is this: yes! In fact, carrots offer many benefits to ducks, so you may find that feeding your duck carrots becomes a regular part of your routine with them. 

Will Ducks Eat Carrots? 

If you didn’t know, ducks are huge fans of vegetables. If you have a vegetable garden, you may have found your pet duck foraging through your leafy greens on more than one occasion. 

So, yes – your duck will eat (and enjoy!) carrots. Carrots are considered a treat for ducks and should be treated as such. Furthermore, carrots aren’t just tasty, but this common vegetable offers plenty of health benefits, too. 

The Benefits

So ducks can eat carrots, but what are the benefits of this vegetable for these waterfowl birds? Is it just the roots that are good, or are carrot tops healthy too?

Both the roots and the tops of carrots are extremely nutritious and come with several benefits for your pet duck. Let’s take a look!

High in Carbs 

Carrots are naturally jam-packed with carbs. While this may sound like a dieter’s nightmare, it’s a great fact for ducks. The carbs in carrots provide your duck with plenty of energy so he can keep going all day long.

Good Source of Water

Did you know that carrots contain 88 percent water? When your duck snacks on this orange root vegetable, he’s getting a good source of hydration. 

While you should never fully replace your duck’s water intake with solid foods, it is good to supplement its hydration with healthy snacks. This water-rich food is easy for your duck to digest as well. 

Excellent for Eggs 

Carrots contain a special nutrient called beta-carotene. This nutrient is great for egg production in ducks and allows your duck to lay beautiful, large eggs with bright orange yolks. So while your duck gets to enjoy a yummy treat, you can reap the rewards every day at breakfast time.

Packed with Vitamins and Minerals 

We know that as humans, carrots are healthy and good for you. But their vitamins and minerals are also great for egg-laying ducks. Just a few of the vitamins and minerals found in carrots are:

  • Vitamin A
  • Biotin
  • Vitamin B6
  • Potassium

Each of these components contributes to your duck’s health in different ways, but to summarize, they enhance growth rates, improve egg production, increase antibody production, and prevent weakened feather growth. 

Easy to Serve

Finally, carrots are what we would consider a low-maintenance food. Since your duck can eat any part of the carrot, you never have to waste another peel ever again. Raw carrots may be too hard for your duck to eat, but you can stop tossing the tops! 

Preparation & Serving Size

So how do you cut carrots for ducks? 

The most important thing to remember here is that ducks do not chew their food. Since they don’t have teeth, they swallow their food pieces whole, and the pieces get ground up in their gizzards. 

That said, you should always cut your carrots down to bite-sized pieces that are easy and safe for them to swallow. And while we’re at it, try to avoid canned carrots because they typically have tons of extra sodium and sugars. 

As we mentioned above, carrots should be viewed as treats for ducks. Just like you wouldn’t feed your dog treats all day, the same goes for ducks. The bulk of their diet should be their daily chicken feed. 

Can ducks eat cooked carrots? 

Cooked carrots are ideal for ducks because they are soft and easy to swallow. You can even give a whole carrot to a duck so long as it’s cooked. Your duck will be able to break it up with its beak and safely swallow it. 

Can ducks eat frozen carrots?

You can buy frozen carrots to save in your freezer for later to give to your duck, but you must always defrost them before feeding them. Frozen carrots are much too hard and cold to give to a duck. 

Can ducks eat raw carrots?

Ducks can have raw carrots in very small, bite-sized pieces; however, they are pretty hard and can pose a choking hazard, so we recommend cooking your carrots as much as possible to prevent that risk. 


Whenever you give your beloved pets a new treat, a thousand questions pop into your mind. Is this treat safe? How should I prepare it? Can ducks choke on carrots? Can I use all the pieces? 

No need to worry; we’ve compiled a few of these commonly asked questions below in our FAQ section! 

Can ducks eat carrot tops? 

Yes! The tops of the carrots have tons of nutrients and less sugar than the root of the carrot, making them the healthiest part of the vegetable. Be sure to chop them into small pieces or boil them to make them soft. 

Can ducks eat carrot leaves? 

Ducks are huge fans of leafy greens. They’re known to snack on greens like lettuce, kale, collards, and cabbage. The list of veggies extends to carrot leaves, so it’s safe to give these to your ducks as well. 

Can I feed ducks vegetable peelings? 

You can feed your extra vegetable peelings to your duck along with carrots, including cucumbers, squash, and zucchini. Never feed your duck citrus fruits, iceberg lettuce, white potatoes, raw beans, or purple eggplant. 

Can ducks eat carrot peels? 

Not only can ducks eat carrot peels, but the skin of the carrot contains a higher number of nutrients than the rest of the carrot. Stop throwing away your peels and start giving them to your duck once or twice a week. 

Can ducks eat shredded carrots? 

Shredded carrots are excellent for ducks, as they allow the duck to swallow small pieces safely. Do ducks like grated carrots as well? Absolutely! The smaller the pieces, the better. 

Can baby ducks eat carrots? 

A baby duck should mainly eat their starter feed, but that doesn’t mean you can’t give them the occasional treat. Ducklings like plenty of fruits and vegetables, and you can serve them by chopping very tiny pieces and floating them in their water dish. 

Do Muscovy ducks eat carrots?

Muscovy ducks love carrots when added to a well-rounded diet of other vegetables, including sweet potatoes, broccoli, kale, spinach, cabbage, and more. Muscovy ducks enjoy both carrot roots and carrot tops. 

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