9 Nuts That Ducks Can Eat (Including Almonds)


Ducks can be fairly indestructible when it comes to snacking. Still, sometimes you need to protect your ducks from their ravenous appetite.

Can ducks eat nuts? How about ducklings? The answer is yes to both, but there are limits.

We’ve compiled a list of common nuts that are safe for ducks. Read on for the benefits of nuts and how you can make them safe for your ducks.

1. Peanuts

We have another article outlining the dos and don’ts of peanuts. But peanuts deserve mention here because, with the proper preparation, your ducks will love peanuts. Check out our other article for all you need to know. 

2. Almonds

You might be surprised to learn that almonds aren’t nuts! Instead, almonds are seeds of the almond tree

Almonds are safe for ducks with one caveat: there are two types of almonds, and one is toxic.

You’re likely more familiar with sweet almonds. When you see almonds in a nut mix at the grocery store, that’s a sweet almond. As sweet almonds are the most commonly available, you can easily find this type. It’s safe for human and duck consumption.

Bitter almonds are toxic for many animals, including humans. Bitter almonds contain hydrogen cyanide. Although boiling and roasting can reduce the toxicity of bitter almonds, you should never feed cooked or raw bitter almonds to your ducks.

Almonds are a source of vitamins, minerals, protein, and fiber. Rich in vitamin E, vitamin K, calcium, and magnesium but low in carbohydrates, there’s a lot of nutritional value. 

But, almonds are also rich in unsaturated fat. While some unsaturated fat is healthy, you should limit how much you feed your ducks.

You can add sweet almonds to your list of duck treats. However, you can’t serve almonds whole. Instead, offer no more than 2-3 daily and crush almonds in small chunks.

3. Hazelnuts

The hazelnut is available year-round, and treats like chocolate often add the nut for a delicious crunch. It can also be a sweet treat for your ducks.

Hazelnuts aren’t as rich in protein as some nuts on this list, but they still supply a healthy share. They also offer vitamins, including vitamin E, magnesium, and calcium. It’s still on the lower end of carbohydrates, which means you can let your ducks have a few of these a day.

When serving your ducks hazelnuts, crush them thoroughly for easier grinding and swallowing.

4. Walnuts

Walnuts are gaining some notoriety as the best healthy nut for humans, but they can also be a healthy snack for your ducks. Low in sugar with a moderate amount of carbohydrates, walnuts also provide a generous helping of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and protein.

As walnuts can be a tough nut to crack, don’t let your ducks eat them whole. Instead, de-shell the walnuts and crush them thoroughly. If your ducks take a liking to walnuts, feed them no more than 2-3 daily.

5. Hickory Nuts

Hickory nuts are a part of the walnut family and have many of the same benefits. If your ducks enjoy walnuts, you can also try hickory nuts with the same recommendations for amount and preparation.

6. Pistachio Nuts

Another close relative of the walnut, pistachios are favorites among humans but could soon be your ducks’ favorite. Unsalted, de-shelled pistachios are an excellent source of protein and vitamins.

Pistachios are lower in sugar than other nuts on this list, with a moderate amount of carbohydrates. De-shell and crush into smaller pieces, and you can feed your ducks a few per day.

7. Pine Nuts

While pine nuts are safe for ducks to consume, you might want to skip this one. Pine nuts are expensive. It takes years for the tree to mature, which means the nuts are on the rare side. While there are plenty of nutrients in pine nuts, they can’t beat a walnut or an almond.

8. Pecans

Buttery pecans are a staple of many desserts, but can ducks eat nuts from the pecan tree? Yes, ducks can peck at the native North American pecan.

Pecans are softer nuts, which makes them easier to swallow. While you could feed a duck a whole or halved pecan, we still recommend chopping pecans into more manageable pieces. If a duck swallows too much pecan, they’re less likely to choke, but that isn’t a zero percent chance.

The pecan nut can add fiber, protein, magnesium, and zinc to your ducks’ diet. However, as pecans are packed with fat and have more carbohydrates than protein, save them for a rare treat and no more than a couple per day.

9. Macadamia Nuts

Macadamia nuts are rich in nutrients but also contain lots of fat and carbohydrates. While they are safe for ducks to eat, and offer many benefits, don’t feed your duck macadamia nuts every day. Reserve the nut for an occasional snack. The proportion should be minimal, less than three, and crushed.

How To Feed Ducks Nuts

There are a lot of nuts that ducks can eat. But if you’re sharing grocery-store nuts, avoid flavored or salted nuts. Instead, your ducks should eat nuts that are as close to natural as possible.

Remember that ducks can’t chew, so you need to crush or split nuts into smaller pieces. For adult ducks, compare the chunks to their regular feed. For ducklings, remember that small is better as it will prevent choking.


Can ducks eat nuts? Some ducks are nuts about nuts, and we hope our list helps you navigate how to safely and healthily feed their interest.

We shared nine of the best nuts that are safe for ducks. We disqualified a few that were technically safe but not recommended. 

For example, cashews and coconuts: While ducks can digest cashews, the fumes can be dangerous. Coconuts are safe too, but not the shell or any part generally considered a “nut.” 

Next time you’re wondering if a nut is safe, chances are your ducks can handle it in a small amount. But always consult an expert before offering them an unfamiliar nut. Until then, you can rely on our list of nine delicious treats for your ducks.

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