Feeding Your Ducks Watermelon: Benefits, Preparation, and Amount


If you have a pet duck or a backyard flock with ducks, the question, ‘can ducks eat watermelon’ may have crossed your mind. Birds are terrific at taking care of food scraps, so it is beneficial for them to eat the rinds you typically throw away or compost. You will be happy to know that ducks can eat watermelon in its entirety. 

There is one thing to consider when offering this juicy fruit to your pet ducks. Not only do you need to know how do you feed ducks watermelon, but to also ensure they are still receiving well-balanced nutrition daily.

Ducks will need water available to them while eating to ensure they do not choke. They can eat quite quickly and swallow their food whole, so water helps minimize any choking risks or having food stuck in their mouths and throats. This factor is what makes watermelon the perfect snack for domestic ducks. 

The Benefits of Feeding Watermelon to Ducks 

Watermelon is saturated with water, making it the perfect treat for a hot day for both humans and pet ducks. If you have asked yourself, “can baby ducks eat watermelon?” The answer is yes. Besides helping to keep your baby and adult ducks hydrated, there are several other nutritional advantages to this wonderful fruit. 

Watermelon has a host of benefits that you may not know already, including: 

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin B1, B5, B6
  • Vitamin C 
  • Antioxidants 
  • Potassium
  • Magnesium 
  • Carotenoids 

The fiber within watermelon also helps with digestion and ensures your ducks have regular bowel movements. What about the rinds? Can ducks eat watermelon rind? Yes. Not only is the juicy inside of a watermelon a terrific snack for your ducks, but they can also feast on the seeds, rind, vines, and leaves without causing any issues. 

Concerns Surrounding Watermelon and Ducks 

You may have some concerns regarding serving watermelon to your ducks due to a few factors. As a pet owner, it is your responsibility to ensure that everything you provide your ducks with is safe. There can be some worries when it comes to this large fruit for several reasons, including: 

  • High sugar content
  • Seeds 
  • Too much water content 

High Sugar Content

Although watermelon is sweet with natural sugars, it is entirely safe for your duck to consume in moderation. Of course, ducks should not have foods that contain artificial sweeteners or additional sugar, but the natural sugars in fruit are entirely safe for your pets. 


Many watermelon varieties include seeds and can be quite large. These small pieces may make you cautious about serving them to your domestic ducks, but you do not have to worry. Even though ducks swallow their food whole, watermelon seeds are okay for them to ingest without problems. 

Too Much Water Content

It is true that watermelon contains a great deal of water, around 92% overall. Even though having an additional water source available for your ducks can be beneficial, it is still essential that you provide this fruit in moderation rather than as a regular staple of their diet. 

Offer Watermelon in Moderation 

It is crucial to realize that ducks can eat too much watermelon. When they consume a large amount of this fruit, they can have digestion issues or stomach upset. Your ducks may fill up on this fruit and not consume essential proteins or other dietary items they need for a healthy diet. 

Remember that all fruit, especially watermelon, should be available to your ducks as an occasional treat rather than a regular dietary item. 

How To Prepare Watermelon For Your Ducks 

Watermelon is one of those fruits that is easy to give to your ducks without much worry. They can eat every piece of this plant, including the leaves, vines, and the entire watermelon. You can get fancy with the preparation or stick to a simple open-feeding method. No matter which way you choose to give your ducks watermelon, they will love you for it. 

For a simple snack, cut the watermelon in halves or quarters and place it face up where your ducks can feast on it. It can be fun to watch your ducks get excited and devour this tasty treat. 

You can freeze small portions of watermelon and save them for a hot day. Ducks will enjoy having this delicious snack to cool them down when the temperatures rise. If you have a watermelon that will not get eaten before it spoils, try cutting it up into pieces and freezing it for your ducks to enjoy later. This method will allow you to have fresh, frozen watermelon on hand without having to run to the store each time you want to give them a treat. 

Some pet owners may include watermelon with other mixed fruits as a fruit salad treat. This method is a great way to have your ducks consume many different vitamins and minerals instead of focusing on just one item at a time. 

Some Considerations When Offering Watermelon to Ducks

When you want to give watermelon to your ducks, there are some things to keep in mind. You do not want to give your birds any fruit that is rotten or spoiled. Ripe or even overripe fruit can still be fine as ducks are okay with soft fruit, but rotten or spoiling fruit can create problems for your duck’s digestion. 

Remember that fruit is a terrific snack for ducks, but it should not be a regular occurrence in their daily diet. Fruit, like watermelon, needs to be 10% or less of a duck’s diet so that they can still consume essential proteins, omegas acids, and other minerals necessary for proper health and development. 

The Takeaway 

If you have asked, “Can Pekin ducks eat watermelon?” Or, “Can Muscovy ducks eat watermelon?” The answer is yes. Ducks of all breeds enjoy a tasty watermelon treat any time you provide it to them. This fruit contains a host of beneficial vitamins and nutrients that ducks require to lead a healthy life. You do not have to worry about preparation, though, since they can eat absolutely every part of the watermelon safely. 

Keep in mind that watermelon is a snack and not a meal replacement. You can offer this fruit as an occasional treat about once a week without any issues. However, ducks can have too much watermelon, so keep the servings small and in moderation. This way, both you and your ducks will be happy. 

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